Our globalized world urges us to be constantly connected, with those we know and with those we yet get to know, via digitation, the Internet, the Internet of Things etc., fulfilling the basic human need to "belong to a group" - related to "the fear of missing out". But who benefits most from being connected 24/7?
Much we learn about 5G, its security risks, Huawei and Chinese government's interests. Being constantly connected makes you the pure transparent citizen, some even speak of "the perfect slave" of big-tech and government knowing you inside out, about every aspect of your life - preferences, locations, behavioral patterns...
Many people seem to have already accepted this as part of the deal. But mostly under the radar has stayed a different aspect I am outlining now.
All the great technological inventions we use in everyday life - many take for granted - are the brainchild of highly-talented, often hypersensitive people (remember, only the successful are called geniuses) feeling uncomfortable in crowds, as many hypersensitive people suffer from everyday group dynamics, mass phenomena (Bruce Tuckman's stages of group development - forming > storming > norming > performing).
So what's bad about Wi-Fi? Not so fast, please! Counterquestion: Why do we need to be connected all the time? It's common knowledge that it’s unhealthy to be on the call permanently. Smartphone Addiction and Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD) is widely known and accepted. But people with EHS (Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity) are stigmatized and marginalized, even defamed as anti-tech. How come?
Despite occasional EHS/EMF-documentaries our tech-loving and highly-power consuming world spearheaded by big-tech downplaying the fears of the people stultifies those sensitive to electromagnetic fields, since EHS is perceived as running against economic-technological interests.
It's not in big-tech's interest to respect the individual's sensitivity despite the considerable number of people suffering from EHS. Consider people developing various symptoms when exposed to radiation of electromagnetic fields intensified with every new standard - 3G to 4G to 5G.
How little we hear of the dangers of constant exposure to electromagnetic fields publicly. It's mostly downplayed, as people want to be up-to-date, not to be left behind by technological developments, and definitely not to be perceived as backward, ignorant by their social environment.
But jumping on this technology bandwagon has a flip-side, as we are surrounded by devices radiating day and night: Wi-Fi, cell towers, mobiles, tablets, cordless phones, notebooks, wireless headphones etc. The European EMF Guideline stated: "Common EHS symptoms include headaches, concentration difficulties, sleep problems, depression, a lack of energy, fatigue, and flu-like symptoms."
Despite big tech's marketing efforts to spin constant exposure to radiation as cool, hip, smart and healthy, exposing children - more vulnerable due to their dynamic developmental physiology - in elementary schools fully digitized to electromagnetic fields with Wi-Fi 24/7 as future of mankind, there are many studies published about this topic, such as the research of Austrian environmental epidemiologist univ. Gerd Oberfeld M.D. of the state of Salzburg, Austria, who gave many interviews making the public aware of the EHS symdrome.
So Dr. Oberfeld and his colleagues at the European Academy of Environmental Medicine recommend to reduce the exposure to radiation by electromagnetic devices to a minimum due to its carcinogen (cancer-causing) aspect.
Further studies have shown: "We hypothesize that these tumor-promoting effects may be caused by metabolic changes due to exposure. (...). Our findings may help to understand the repeatedly reported increased incidences of brain tumors in heavy users of mobile phones."
What's the point? It's not about the radiation itself but about the dose (the dose makes the poison), about the 24/7 exposure to radiation giving the body no time to regenerate. Therefore for years the Austrian Medical Chamber has published a 10-rules guideline for mobile, Wi-Fi and other electronic devices usage (in translation):
- Limit mobile usage to a minimum! Use land lines if possible and write text messages instead of making/taking calls with mobiles. Under 16-years-old should limit the use of mobiles only to emergencies. Teenagers' physiological development is dynamic.
- "Distance is your friend!" - Keep mobiles off the head/body. Use loudspeaker function or wired earbuds/earphones/headphones instead.
- While using loudspeaker function or wired earbuds/earphones/headphones/headsets, keep mobiles away from the head/body! For men: Don't put mobiles near to the genitals (pockets) - infertility risk. For women: Special risk during pregnancy. Put mobiles in your bag. Individuals with electrical implants (pacemakers etc.) need to keep off from mobiles.
- Don't make/take calls in transport (car, bus, train)! Mobiles will increase signal strength (radiation) to provide coverage in the cabin.
- Don't text and drive, nor internet surfing, otherwise risking accidents.
- Don't use Wi-Fi, if possible! Traditional LAN is radiating way comparably. Avoid radiating devices: Cordless phones, wireless data sticks, wireless cubes!
- Go offline and use flight mode, when data connection is not needed, reduces radiation exposure! You don't need to be online for using camera, alarm, calculator, playing offline games or downloaded music.
- Limit number of apps to the necessary! The less apps installed the less you are exposed to radiation. To lower your mobile's radiation level disable your apps' background activity and data connection when redundant. You still can make/take calls.
- Avoid calls in locations with bad connection (basement, elevator etc.)! Mobiles increase signal power (radiation) to keep connection. Use wired earbuds/earphones/headphones/headsets or loudspeaker function.
- Check SAR-ratings! The higher your mobile's SAR-value the higher its radiation, posing risks to your health.
Democratization in knowledge society aside, people still tend to only take for real what they can sense, unless it's hyped by media (corona virus). Seeing is believing, right? Consider the things you cannot see at first sight: The decades-long exposure of the public to asbestos, or the radiation of Three Mile Island (USA, 1979), Chernobyl (Soviet Union, 1986), Fukushima Dai-ichi (Japan, 2011)... catastrophes with global effects even when the news cycle moves on and people think the issue is solved - far from eye, far from heart. Sometimes science needs felt ages to deliver the proof for what common sense already knew - nicotine isn't healthy - which only the brave dared to say publicly risking to be sued to death by tobacco corporations.
In today's world topics may have changed, not the patterns: There are big tech's interests exposing us, the people, to technological experiments. Licence holders receive huge bonuses when advocating for new technologies - would they, if there was not a big amount of money in play? - while the overwhelming rest of us is nothing but exposed to these experiments.
So until the critical mass is reached many people understandably feel like guinea pigs of big-tech and their interest in profits. All I'm saying is, give health a chance: So for your health's sake, keep a critical mind, as it's better to be safe than sorry.
Dr. Dr. Immanuel Fruhmann
Systemic Analyst and Philosopher